"As the Father sent me, so now I am sending you..."

Here at First Baptist, we're striving to live out the Great Commission (Go and make disciples - Matt 28:19) and the Great Commandment (Love God and love neighbor - Matt 22:36-40) everyday. As we continue to seek God's direction in how to uniquely serve Christ in our community, here are some opportunities to get involved. 

For more information on any of the ministries listed below, please contact the FBC Office.

Local Missions

Food Bank Outreach

On the first Thursday of every month we gather in the YAC kitchen to pray for and prepare a warm breakfast for our community residents who attend the Lexington Food Bank.

Renewal Projects

While it's our belief that we're continually on mission in the everyday moments of life, we consistently provide opportunities for the church family to work alongside one another to serve those in need. These opportunities can take the shape of serving at community soup kitchen, helping a family in need with home repairs, or volunteering at a food bank. Whatever it may be, it's a chance to take part in God's renewal in the wolrd around us.

International Missions

GO MAD Today

First Baptist has been in partnership with GO MAD Today, a ministry that seeks to restore hope and create opportunities for the vulnerable in the Dominican Republic, for almost ten years. Along with contributing financially to the ministry, FBC periodically sends mission teams to the Dominican to serve alongside the local missionaries.